This page provides credit to the creators of “Sound of Comics.” The “About the Curator” section contextualizes the development of the exhibit.
Research, Curation, and Digital Design: Grace deVega
Instruction: Dr. Elizabeth Pollard
Consulting Instruction: Librarian Pamela Jackson
Materials from: The San Diego State University Love Library’s Department of Special Collections & University Archives Comics Collections
I Hear the Sunspot from Access I Hear the Sunspot online
A Silent Voice from Mangakakalot. Access A Silent Voice online
Echo, Hawkeye, Mooncakes, and M.F.K. from Hoopla Digital
About the Curator
Grace deVega (she/her) is a Fourth Year History and Political Science major at San Diego State University. As an undergraduate student, Grace has won multiple awards for her research into the Philippines People Power Movement and its impacts on the non-violent revolutions in Eastern Europe during the post-war period. She has also played clarinet for the past 12 years, including in SDSU’s marching and concert bands, which is partially what inspired her to pursue this research into sound in comics. This digital exhibit was created as her History capstone project under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Elizabeth Pollard and Librarian Pamela Jackson. Dr. Pollard and Librarian Jackson co-lead the Center for Comics Studies at SDSU, which is a “collaborative and innovative nuclei of comics research, scholarship, and action” centered around teaching and learning about comics through cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary lenses (Center for Comics Studies). Thus, this digital exhibit aims to advance the pillars of research and scholarship in the Center for Comics Studies. In terms of action, the Center for Comics Studies has been awarded funding and recognition by the President of the University’s “Big Idea Initiative” to promote projects and scholarship that focus on Comics and Social Justice. “Sound of Comics” therefore also serves this pillar of action in the form of social justice through the emphasis given to disability representation and inclusion in comics.

Explore Grace’s process in creating the exhibit through her blog posts
Learn more about the Center for Comics Studies at SDSU
Special Thanks
Dr. Elizabeth Pollard
Librarian Pamela Jackson
Dr. Pamella Lach
Dr. Barbara Postema
Dr. José Alaniz
Dr. Anna Peppard
The faculty and staff of The San Diego State University Love Library’s Department of Special Collections & University Archives
Friends and family who offered advice and support